
Goin' Bohlen: Court-ship Classic

"The Celtics are in town tonight," I casually offered.

"The Celtics?! Ehh. Maybe the MFA is open tonight," my girlfriend replied.

We bounced around a number of other ideas for a Friday night out only to find ourselves no better off than when we had started.

"I don't care," she finally said, exasperated at our lack of progress. "Let's go see the Celtics. It's what you really want to do."

Realizing she was not content with the choice, I knew that something special had to happen to ensure that we would again go to a basketball game.


Little did I know, it would.

After arriving at the FleetCenter a little late, we passed several scalpers looking to slyly unload their tickets for the night's match-up against the Miami Heat.

Thinking I did not want to risk arrest, I decided to check and see what they had available at the ticket window before turning to the street.

When we got to the window, the man inside said, "The only seats together are for $85. A piece."

"$85?!" I cried. "Are you sure there are no other seats?"

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