

FM spoke with Seamus Kelly, bartender at Flann O'Brien's, five days before St. Paddy's.

FM: So are you doing any special promotions for St. Patrick's day? Seamus: It's rock and roll McPatty's week. FM: Is that what the promotion is called? S: No, that's just what I call it. FM: Well, do you buy more alcohol or something? S: You have to have lots o' drink and lots o' music, especially music. FM: I'm guessing you're Irish. How long have you been here? S: A long time, a lot longer than you. FM: Will it be busier than normal? S: Every night is a busy night. How are you writing this down? FM: With a pen. S: What kind of pen? FM: A light green pen. S: Have any Irish in you? FM: Half. S: What color hair do you have? FM: Uh, brown. S: How tall are you? FM: About five-six. S: A wee bit shorter than me. I'm five-seven. Sign? FM: What? S: Your sign, what you were born under. FM: Virgo. S: How old you be this year? FM: 19. S: Have you got a boyfriend? FM: Yes. (fib) S: How tall is he? FM: About six-one. S: That's...ok. FM: So can you tell me some stories of drunk people? S: I've got a fucking lot of those. But I have to go.

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