
Foundation Elects New SAC Co-Chairs

The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations recently elected a new co-chair, Serre-YuWong '01, the Chinese Students Association representative to the foundation.

Wong was chosen in a special election convened to replace former SAC co-chair Rosalinda Rosalez '01, who resigned earlier this year.

Wong said she is excited by the prospect of working with SAC.

"I had thought about it but I wasn't sure... I was nominated by two people in SAC who I very highly respect," she said.

Wong is also an intern at the Foundation, helping to staff its University Hall office.


She said she had worked with the other SAC co-chair, Michael K.T. Tan '01, in the past.

"I will enjoy working the rest of the semester on the discussions and other projects that SAC is doing," Wong said.

Wong said she would like to increase understanding of the opportunities available within SAC.

"I would like for us to put together a letter brochure for incoming SAC members," she said.

The Foundation sponsors activities designed to bring together cultural and ethnic groups, as well as bring speakers to campus.

SAC advises Foundation officials on annual projects like the Cultural Rhythms festival, in addition to the group's grant allocations.

Rosalez declined to comment on her resignation or the election.

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