Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Jeremy R. Knowles named six professors as Harvard College Professors--annual awards given for outstanding undergraduate instruction. In order to support these professors in what they do best--teach--the award gives them some time away from the classroom.
The six professors, who received the award on Monday, will hold the title for five years.
This year's recipients are Professor of Chinese History Peter K. Bol, Cabot Professor of the Natural Sciences John E. Dowling '57, McKay Professor of Applied Physics Eric Mazur, Professor of Government Michael J. Sandel, Pope Professor of the Latin Language and Literature Richard J. Tarrant and Professor of Sociology Mary C. Waters.
"Contrary to the mean-minded myth, there are many superb teachers in the Faculty who care deeply about undergraduate education," Knowles said. "It's a pleasure to be able to recognize several of them each year, tangibly."
The professorship, which was established last year through a gift from the Loeb family, allows recipients to take a semester of paid leave, which can be used for summer support or a semester of research.
According to William M. Todd III, dean of undergraduate education, senior professors have often exhausted their opportunities for research leave. The award allows them a rare opportunity to take a semester off.
"It may seem paradoxical, singling out great teachers and then taking them from the classroom, but great teaching and great research are closely intertwined," Todd said. "The reward gives teachers a chance to continue the research which makes their teaching great."
He added that the award is an incentive for the professors to raise the quality of their teaching.
Award recipient Sandel said he plans to continue his current research on markets and morals during his paid leave.
"I am examining the extension He added that the research would directlyimpact his teaching in Moral Reasoning 22,"Justice," which draws about 1,000 students whenit is offered every other year. "Here's a teacher who actually encouragesparticipation in a class of 1,000. That'sextraordinary," Todd said of Sandel's methodswhile teaching Justice. Like a talk-show host,Sandel bounds up and down the stairs of thecavernous Sanders Theatre while passing themicrophone to student participants. While some professors' jobs aren't quite sophysical, their daily routines require them tofulfll several tasks at the same time. With allthe demands placed on him, Mazur said he oftenworks "double days" and will appreciate the leaveof absence facilitated by the award. "The three things I do--teaching, researchingand writing a new textbook on introductoryphysics--each really requires one full person'sattentions," Mazur said. He will use the time off to work on histextbook, which he said would complement his workin the classroom. "Usually when you do something well, you getpunished by being asked to do more of it. You'regood at teaching large courses, they ask you toteach large courses every year," Mazur said. "Itmay come as a surprise to give me time off. It isvery justified." Read more in NewsRecommended Articles