
Radcliffe Trustees Tight-lipped

Amid speculation that an announcement about Radcliffe's future is nearing, the college's Board of Trustees, the body that will ultimately decide the future of the 119-year old institution, denied yesterday that changes are around the corner.

The board held closed-door sessions in Radcliffe's Cronkhite Graduate Center from 1 p.m. into the evening. Radcliffe President Linda S. Wilson also met with a smaller group in Fay House, Radcliffe's administrative headquarters, before the general board meeting.

Despite heightened attention, trustees insisted today's meeting was business as usual. They scoffed at predictions in yesterday's Boston Globe that "an announcement about the college's future would come this weekend."

"Don't pin your hopes on it," one board member said.

Board of Trustees Chairman Nancy-Beth G. Sheerr '71 said Radcliffe won't be making any surprise moves.


"We're still very much in the talking process," Sheerr said. "We're not heading towards a conclusion yet."

Wilson refused to comment on the Globe report or on the results of today's series of meetings.

"I'm not in any position to communicate with you right now," Wilson said as she emerged from a dinner meeting.

A high-level observer said last week that there are still "differences" between Harvard and Radcliffe on a host of important issues, including Radcliffe's finances and legal obligations, adding that no joint announcement is imminent.

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