

Club Opposition Misguided


To the editors:

In response to the deluge of literary diarrhea condemning the allegedly sexist final clubs and their supposedly evil members, it seems that a qualification needs to be made about the authors of these articles and letters. It must be remembered that we can assume these propagandists are socially challenged, to put it nicely. They are not members of finals clubs, or did not frequent them while that was a possibility because they would have or did feel out of place.

This is not because the clubs are the elitist centers of debauchery that they envision but rather because these people do not have the social skills common to the majority of our nation's college students. Perhaps, when these socially challenged students figure out that there is more to college life than classes and studying, there will be viable social options available to the entire student body.

Until then, try to go have some fun with what is left with your college career. By attacking our clubs, you are only solidifying an image of yourselves as dorky high school students, who now think of themselves as cool intellectuals at Harvard. ELY J. KAHN '01   Feb. 11, 1999 The writer is a member of the Owl club.
