
Police Log

Nov. 29:

9:32 a.m.--Harvard Yard Operations reported two suspicious people entering Quincy Gate.

10:36 p.m.--The Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) removed a group of people who were climbing on the John Harvard statue.


Nov. 30:

12:23 a.m.--A caller in Pennypacker Hall reported she was receiving threatening phone calls. An officer took a report.

2:01 a.m.--A group of people were caught playing on a fire escape at Grays Hall.

7:16 p.m.--The Cambridge Police Department (CPD) reported that someone in the Carpenter Center had severed his finger with a table saw. An ambulance transported the individual to Mass. General Hospital.

Dec. 1:

12:24 p.m.--HUPD broke up a loud party at 20 DeWolfe St.

2:30 p.m.--CPD received a report that a Harvard student from Pierce Hall said her credit card was being used fraudulently on a pornography site and in Germany.

2:41 p.m.--HUPD removed a homeless man from the Kennedy School.

6:08 p.m.--A man was reported to be banging on the windows of the women's showers at the Malkin Athletic Center.

Dec. 2:

11:24 p.m.--A caller reported that a man carrying what looked to be a gun was walking near Boylston Hall. A thorough search of the area turned up nothing.

3:28 p.m.--A man was removed from the Greenhouse Cafe.

9:58 p.m.--A suspicious person was stopped near Lamont Library. The individual turned out to be a student.

8:59 p.m.--A pocketbook was stolen from Sanders Theatre.

Dec. 3:

2:40 a.m.--A cutting sound was reported on the Law School Quad. Police found a contractor working late.

4:13 a.m.--HUPD responded to a Winthrop House student's complaint about being harassed.

11:11 a.m.--An officer stopped a person acting erratically on the Weeks Footbridge.

12:26 p.m.--A caller reported an exposed wire down on Dunster Street.

Dec. 4:

9:01 p.m.--A man tried to steal a camera during a Faculty Club function.

9:56 p.m.--HUPD responded to a complaint of an intoxicated individual, and arrested James Wilson, 49, for disorderly conduct and trespassing.

Overnight, HUPD transported a student from UHS to Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston. The student had a beer can tab lodged in his upper bronchus.

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