
Gates to Advise Gore on Race for Presidency

Af-Am chair splits with pro-Bradley West

Du Bois Professor of the Humanities Henry Louis "Skip" Gates has joined the presidential campaign of Al Gore '69 as an "informal advisor," Gore aides said this weekend.

With this step, Gates has become the second nationally known member of Harvard's Afro-American Studies Department to offer his services to a presidential campaign.

Fletcher University Professor Cornel R. West '74 is a committed supporter of Gore's main opponent in the Democratic Party, former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley.


In an interview yesterday, Gates said that he joined the campaign at Gore's request.

"He called me and we talked about it and I said I would pleased to help in any way possible," Gates said. "I have an enormous amount of respect for the vice president and for his political principles--particularly, his demonstrated commitment to ending racism."

Gates has been a confidant of the Gore family for years. He assisted the Vice President's eldest daughter Karenna Gore Schiff '95 with her senior thesis, which focused on slave narratives.

Gates said he also maintains a close friendship with Al Gore's wife Tipper.

Talking with reporters after Friday night's Democratic candidate debate in Nashua, N.H., West joked about the new Harvard rivalry.

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