Fifteen Minutes: AMSM By ARC

anna smiles, showing her pearly whites. Anna's a fast talker. Oftentimes, she's so eager to speak that she forget words.

anna smiles, showing her pearly whites.

Anna's a fast talker. Oftentimes, she's so eager to speak that she forget words. Usually contractions or articles she skips. "Aaron, story consulting good this week!" she'll pant.

I first met Anna in the spring of our sophomore year, when she was the magazine's photography editor. We bonded as Knick fans and erstwhile Social Studies concentrators, praising Ewing and gossiping Foucalt.

Sophomore year, Anna and I took a fifteen-minute walk back from the Quad after Social Studies 10 lecture with some meta-cronies. Disaster ensued as I was sucked into a Garden Street-long conversation centering on post-modernism. As soon as I escaped from the madness, I ran in to 14 Plymptom, ranting and raving. But before I could explain what happened, in came Anna, effusive and relentless in apology.

While taking her photo, I reminded Anna about this. She began to giggle.