
Profile of Leonard-Tenney

A first glance at their platform makes Frank X. Leonard '01 and Katie E. Tenney '01 seem like wolves in sheep's clothing.

Leonard and Tenney, running on a ticket for this year's Undergraduate Council president and vice president, respectively, talk a lot about increasing students' social opportunities with parties and new social space.

But give them a few minutes, and they move on to higher goals--two radicals out to take on the administration and reform the bloated council.


The duo would like to invest tens of millions of dollars in the Malkin Athletic Center (MAC), renovating what Tenney calls "a huge waste of space" into an athletic facility/student center.

Why is such an expense justified?

"This is not a 50-year investment," Leonard says. "The MAC will be here long after we're dead."

Their plan to streamline the council's activities involves creating presidential task forces to deal with most student concerns.

This is pretty big talk for two students who have been on the council for less than a semester. But Leonard and Tenney don't see their relative inexperience as a problem.

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