
UCLA Security Captures Yard Burglar Suspect

Stuckey wanted on eight warrants in four states

Wanted for burglaries of Matthews Hall committed just hours after his release on probation, the suspected "Yard Burglar" was arrested in California yesterday on the campus of the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA).

Andre K. Stuckey, Jr., 20, originally of Long Beach, Calif., was taken into custody when police spotted him hanging around UCLA dorm rooms. Released last Wednesday, he had been out of jail for only a week.

Stuckey, who pled guilty Dec.1 to the possession of goods stolen in a string of Matthews burglaries, was the subject of an intense city-wide search over the last week.


Within hours of Stuckey's release on probation, Matthews Hall was robbed again. A warrant for his arrest relating to those burglaries was issued last Friday, and MIT police and the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) increased patrols and added extra officers to the shifts.

Police are unsure how exactly Stuckey made his way from Cambridge to Los Angeles

One clue may be that one of the credit cards stolen from Matthews after Stuckey's release was used at South Station just hours after the robbery. The card was reported stolen, but when police responded, the culprit was gone.

"I've got to give him credit--he at least went to a warmer climate," said HUPD spokesperson Peggy A. McNamara.

At around 1 a.m. yesterday morning, police at UCLA took Stuckey into custody after seeing him loitering around dormitories there.

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