
Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs Captivates with Globalization Talk

Greece's Minister for Foreign Affairs outlined a detailed vision for the progress of European unification and globalization to a packed auditorium in Boylston Hall yesterday.

George Papandreou, who has headed Greece's Ministry of Foreign affairs since March, has also served as a member of Parliament and as minister of education.

Yesterday's speech focused on globalization and on more specific issues affecting the Balkan region.


"We want to help convert the kaleidoscope of races and minorities in the region into an instrument of solidarity, stability and multi-cultural cooperation," he said.

Globalization is key to the Balkan region, Papandreou said, as well as to Greek security in particular.

"Stability in our region is the pre-requisite for Greek security, and we define stability to mean the practice of democracy, the strengthening of institutions, the reduction of economic inequalities and the rule of law," he said.

He then delved into Greece's hopes for future progress. Speaking with "optimism and pride," Papandreou discussed the ideals espoused by his nation.

"Our vision for our immediate region is simple; we hope that Europe will once again be united," Papandreou said. "This vision stands as the guiding light in our foreign policy's foremost objective."

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