
GSC Votes on Funding

The Graduate Student Council (GSC) met last night for the second time this year and discussed issues ranging from the renovations in Widener Library to assuming control of the computer lab in the basement of Dudley House.

Faced with an uneventful meeting agenda, the 30 students of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) in attendance appropriated $570 dollars to the to the GSAS Lesbian, Bisexual and Gay students' association for the group's yearly operating costs.

Students also approved a slight structural change in the council--permitting member-at-large representatives to sit on the Excellence in Mentoring Awards Committee. One member at large represents each division of GSAS and will now be a part of the committee who chooses which professors are honored with GSC's annual Excellence in Mentoring Award.


The GSC meeting also heard a report from the Faculty of Arts and Science Library Committee. A description of Widener's new carrels--complete with network connection and a locking drawer--elicited oohs and ahhs from those in attendance. The Library Committee also reported that a group of "selectors" will consult with faculty in choosing which books will be sent the Harvard Depository during the Widener renovation.

A representative from GSAS will attend the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students (NAGPS) conference on Nov. 18-21 in Columbus Ohio. NAGPS is the only organization in Washington D.C. that lobbies for graduate student interests.

The GSC also discussed purchasing a printer for the computer lab in the basement of Dudley House.

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