
School Committee Candidate

Susana M. Segat, 43

Endorsements: National Organization for Women, Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus, Lavender Alliance, Cambridge Civic Association, Greater Boston Labor Council, Service Employees International Union, Painters and Allied Trades District Council 35, Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 40, Iron Workers Local 7, Firemen and Oilers Local 3

With two children in Cambridge public schools, Segat is running for her third term on the School Committee. She has been in leadership positions at of the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women and the Cambridge Democratic City Committee. She holds a teaching degree and a master's in education. Her goals include implementing and supporting proper curriculum system-wide, starting foreign language instruction in kindergarten, and strengthening middle schools as well as providing after-school programs for middle schoolers.


Candidate statement: "I have an open mind. I read. I think about the issues and consider the big picture. My votes aren't based on political considerations, but on what is best for our children's education."

Shawn M. Burke, 29

Burke was active in student government during high school, and has been the assistant track coach at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. His top priorities include retraining guidance counselors, considering police duty and metal detectors for schools, and hands-on involvement from the school committee.

Candidate Statement: I grew up in Cambridge. I am younger than most of the candidates, so kids find it easier to talk to me. Somebody older than me might not know how to relate to the kids as well."

Alfred B. Fantini

Endorsements: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 40 Carpenters' Union, Greater Boston AFL-CIO, National Association of Governmental Employees.

A member of the School Committee from 1981 to 1997, Fantini works for the Town of Arlington. His priorities include working with local universities and businesses to support improving the schools and strengthening Cambridge's vocational program for non-college-bound students.

Candidate statement: "The incumbents on the School Committee know very little about setting policy, which is their legal mandate. They spent money on resources that did not go directly into the classroom--shame on them."

Melody Brazo, 45

The mother of three children attending schools in Cambridge, Brazo is a founding member of the Cambridge Lavender Alliance/Parents, Teachers and Allies (CLA/PTA), and is involved in several other community groups. Her goals include race and class equity, an anti-violence and anti-harassment curriculum and increased parent involvement.

Candidate Statement: "As an openly lesbian candidate running for the first time in a field crowded with challengers, I need your support. I am running because I want to see every child in Cambridge receive an excellent education: not just the kids from well-off or well-educated families; not just kids from certain neighborhoods; but every child."

Elizabeth Tad Kenney, 41

Endorsements: Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus, Cambridge Civic Association, Lavender Alliance

A member of neighborhood and parents' groups, Kenney has been a teacher and an education administrator. She wants to ensure all students have equal access to quality education, strengthen teacher quality, and stress full family involvement.

Candidate statement: Unlike the other candidates, I offer depth and breadth of 20 years' experience as a professional educator in public and private institutions, have experience with long-range strategic planning to achieve academic goals, and am familiar with educational theory and practice."

Jamisean F. Patterson, 27

Patterson has been active in youth athletic programs and is currently a youth counselor. His goals include equal resources for students and equality in regards to teacher treatment and race relations.

Candidate statement: "If I am elected I plan to be in all the schools all the time....I will be one of the hardest working and most accessible employees of our city. I'm a first-time candidate with energy and enthusiasm for our schools."

Nancy G. Walser, 40

Endorsements: CCA, Greater Boston NOW, Massachusetts Women's Political Caucus.

The parent of two children in the public schools, Walser wrote the annual Parent's Guide to Cambridge Schools (1997, 1998, 1999). She hopes to reform middle school programs, reallocate funds toward classrooms and students and away from mid-level administration, and do a better job of evaluating and supporting teachers.

Candidate statement: "As the author of the Parent's Guide for the past four years, I have been in every school in the city many times. I will work full-time as a representative for all of them--not just some....As someone who has written extensively about education, I will also do my best to make sure the School Committee makes policy decisions that are educationally sound."

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