
Few Attend Council Debate

There were more candidates on the stage than people in the audience at the Cambridge City Council's candidate forum last night.

About 15 candidates spoke on business relations, municipal finance and traffic issues at the forum, held at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School. Less than a dozen in the audience were not associated with the media.

Glenn S. Koocher '71, host of the local television show "Cambridge Inside Out," mediated the discussion between the three panels of five to six candidates each.


Let's Talk Business

Some candidates expressed hostility toward large corporations in Cambridge during the first discussion on business retention and corporate finance.

"I don't believe that these large corporations are giving jobs to the citizens of Cambridge," said council candidate Helder "Sonny" Peixoto.

Candidate Henrietta Davis said she agreed, adding that large companies could be replaced with other small businesses.

"Large corporations are not what we want our whole economy to be based on," Davis said.

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