
The Garment District: Heaven in a Pile of Clothes at Cambridge's Vintage Mart

"Shoplifters Will be Experimented On," a sign warns shoppers at Dollar-a-Pound. The rock music and pink and blue brick walls indicate they're not kidding.

Then again, by the time shoppers enter the crumbling pink-shingled building that houses Dollar-a-Pound, couched between rows of immaculate glass skyscrapers and imposing MIT labs, they should know to expect something different.

"Dollar-a-Pound Plus!" enthuses a more welcoming sign outside the building. "Experienced Clothes, Books, and Much More!"


The 'much more' in Dollar-a-Pound and its upstairs counterpart, The Garment District, includes everything from giant bins of shoes to underwear with a fried egg applique.

In Dollar-a-Pound, most of the merchandise is worth less than its 25 cent to $1.50-a- pound price tag.

Wading through the sea of clothes--there's no walkway through the mounds, Emily A. M. Funk surveys the scene.

Now living in upstate New York, Funk has been coming to Dollar-a-Pound for many of its 29 years.

"Dollar-a-Pound is mostly junk," she admits. "But upstairs is awesome. I've found a lot of my clothes there."

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