
UHS to Offer Free Flu Shots at Dining Halls

As flu season descends upon Cambridge, University Health Services (UHS) will be setting up free flu shot clinics around campus for the entire Harvard community this year.

The program follows a successful trial program conducted last year offering free flu shots to students and faculty outside of UHS' Holyoke Center offices.

The flu shots will benefit "students and those who live or work in a communal setting," according to a statement issued by UHS, which has selected University dining halls as ideal locations for their clinics.


The flu shot clinic program kicked off yesterday evening in Annenberg Hall where first-year students lined up to get their shots.

Thomas J. Mucha '03 said he was receptive to the idea of getting a shot in his dining hall.

"Dinner and a flu shot, kind of like a date from the twilight zone. It's a good place to do it, you can't avoid the dining hall," Mucha said.

Another student stressed the convenience of the Annenberg location.

"I actually think it's really convenient. I wouldn't have made the trek to UHS," Elizabeth T. B. Murphy '03 said.

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