
Career Forum to Include New Recruiters

In past years, students have complained that College-organized events meant to introduce them to life after Harvard have shown them too small a splice of the working world.

"When my brother and I went as students, it was either investment banking or consulting or bust," said Hadi Partovi '94 of the Career Forum, the annual fair for exploring job possibilities.

But this year, organizers of the forum and Career Week, a three-day event meant to introduce students to their options after graduation, are making an increased effort to broaden the fare of employment opportunities they present.


Career Week, in its third year, began on Tuesday with a panel entitled "Life after Harvard" and will culminate with the eighteenth annual Career Forum tomorrow.

Throughout the week, organizers--Harvard Student Agencies (HSA) and the Office of Career Services--are trying to include information about a diversity of fields, from entertainment to the computer industry.

"Last year [Career Week had] a very narrow focus," said Hector C. Bove '00, co-director of HSA's Center for Enterprise and a Crimson executive. "This year we tried to increase the scope of what is available to students."

Bove cited the "Life after Harvard" and the "Entertainment and Media" panels as evidence of the greater variety.

But Ian T. Simmons '00, who attended last night's panel on Social Enterprise, said that while he appreciates efforts to include more opportunities, he thinks organizers can do better.

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