
Traveling the New Hampshire Trail With Bradley Canvassers

MANCHESTER, N.H.--From the appearance of its campaign headquarters alone, the Bill Bradley campaign seems dead.

The headquarters are located in a brick furniture warehouse with one main room, empty of furniture except for a few metal folding chairs. A few "Bill Bradley for President" signs dot the walls, but other than that, the only decoration is the linoleum floor.

Yet closer examination is always needed, as Alex S. Grodd '04 is quick to profess.


Grodd started working for Bradley over the summer, and decided less than a month into the summer he was going to defer his first year at Harvard.

"I was 100 percent sure I was going to be in Cambridge this fall," he says.

But instead of living in Stoughton or Grays, the first-year-to-be is sharing luxurious accommodations with two other campaign staffers in a two-bedroom apartment. Grodd sleeps in the kitchen.

But Grodd appears happy with his choice as he sits at a brown metal table fidgeting with his cellular phone and excitedly talking about what the office will become.

The current room will become the volunteer office. And the floor above, will soon be a bustling center of campaign activity.

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