
Wacky Inventions Win Ig Nobels

Amidst a constant barrage of paper airplanes and beach balls, the editor of a science-humor magazine presented this year's Ig Nobel awards last night for "achievements that cannot or should not be reproduced."

The ninth in a series of "First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremonies," last night's ceremony featured prizes awarded in categories ranging from Chemistry to Managed Health Care.

One audience favorite was the Environmental Protection prize, awarded to the inventor of a self-perfuming business suit. The tailored suits emit a pleasant fragrance when rubbed.

Inventor Hyuk-ho Kwon traveled from Seoul, Korea to accept his award, bringing custom-made suits for the four genuine Nobel laureates at the ceremony.


As the distinguished scientists on the stage rubbed their sleeves and inhaled, one audience member noted the rarely seen phenomenon of "scratch-and-sniff Nobel laureates."

Ig Nobel recipients came from all corners of the globe to take part in the ceremony.

Others, said editor of the Annals of Improbable Research and Master of Ceremonies Marc Abrahams, "could not or would not attend."

The winners of the Peace prize--natives of Johannesburg, South Africa--declined to attend the ceremony.

However, organizers showed a short film demonstration of their invention: a car alarm that shoots flames at would-be thieves.

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