To the editors:
We were privileged to attend a reception for the United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan,in University Hall last Thursday. His visit was an inspiration: Annan has spent the better part of his life pursuing cooperation among nations and helping the poorest of the poor.
Several undergraduates, including Lamelle D. Rawlins '99, former president of the Undergraduate Council, honored Annan with speeches of tribute. Rawlins gave a spirited appeal, calling Harvard students and the American people to look outside the borders of their own immediate circumstances and urging us to concern ourselves with critical events and issues that take place beyond the gates of Harvard.
Rawlins's anti-apathetic stance presents the perfect complement to the ideals for which Annan so diligently strives daily. During his short speech at the reception, he said, "You are the leaders of the 21st century. You must help us put the world on the right track." We hope students here and in the rest of America will take heed. GEORGE S. HAN '00 JEAN C. HAN '02 Sept. 19, 1998
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Understanding Political Correctness