


Harvard Not Misogynous

The Staff is essentially correct in arguing for a redefinition of Radcliffe. Radcliffe should either get back into the college business, as its current name implies, or relinquish its titulary claim to Harvard.

Unfortunately, the Staff has incorrectly inflated the question of Radcliffe's institutional status into one of structural misogyny at Harvard. The problem of sub-standard and incompetent teaching fellows is not just a women's problem. It is an issue that affects all undergraduates, male and female.

Most seriously, though, the Staff edges dangerously close to the quota game when it declares that any particular percentage of any gender, race, ethnic group or religion on the Faculty is either too low or too high. Why doesn't the Staff spell out the proper percentages of men, women, whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics and Jews that Harvard should employ? Academia, of all professions, should be a pure meritocracy. The Staff should be more circumspect about conflating unconnected issues into a picture of a misogynous Harvard.


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