To the Editors:
I am a member of the Class of 1950 and resided in Lowell House from 1948-1950. I read in the New York Times that a lesbian couple are the new House master of Lowell.
I am absolutely disgusted with Harvard for this appointment. Doesn't Harvard stand for anything that is honorable, decent and God-fearing?
It seems to me that the family (father, mother and children) is the base unit of our and nearly every society; the essence of civilization. Lesbians are an affront to everything that is sane and orderly.
But, does Harvard really care what I and other alumni think? No, they flow with the "in" crowd of thought . Isn't there somebody on the Board of Overseers or Faculty who can stand up, risk ridicule from his associates and say "enough is enough?"
I am sorry that these two women are lesbians--I hope they confine their sexual appetites to the bedroom and not flaunt their unfortunate tendency to the public. If they had any moral stamina, they would resign.
Actions such as this appointment make me want to disown Harvard. This is the only letter of this type I have ever written; may it be the last. JOHN L. ADAMS '50 Sarasota, Fla., April 15, 1998
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