
Currier Selects New Sr. Tutor

Simon J. Steel, an astrophysicist who has served as a teaching fellow for several astronomy courses at Harvard, will be the new senior tutor in Currier House next fall. Steel has also accepted an appointment as lecturer in astronomy.

Steel will be replacing John D. Stubbs '80--who has accepted a position as the director of college counseling at a private school in Atlanta--as Currier's senior tutor.

Steel said he sought the position of senior tutor because it "sounded like an interesting challenge--an interesting broadening of my experience as an educator."

He said his first priority will be to get familiarized with the House and its operation.

"It's going to be steep learning curve between now and August," Steel said.


Currier House Master William A. Graham '64 said Steel's personality clicked with the House. He said he was also impressed by Steel's enthusiasm, emphasizing that the job of senior tutor "is not nine-to-five."

"We agreed that this was a good fit," Graham said.

Stubbs leaves Harvard after three years as Currier's senior tutor and eight years prior to that as a first-year proctor.

Stubbs said his job change "was not anticipated or expected" but said Atlanta's Paideia School Lured him with job invitations for both him and his wife Caroline. Q. Stubbs '80, who is an assistant senior tutorin Currier.

Caroline Stubbs will be the director ofadmissions at Paideia, which operates frompre-kindergarten through the 12th grade.

"It's a unique opportunity to work in the sameplace," John Stubbs said.

"We didn't expect to move in this direction sosoon or so quickly," Stubbs added.

Graham praised the Stubbses for theirinvolvement in House life in Currier.

He said they were "exceptional members of thecommunity," adding that they have given "a greatdeal of service and we feel lucky to have had themfor the past three years."

Stubbs said he would most miss the friendshipsand the kindness he shared with the students andthe Grahams.

"The best thing about being in a House in anycapacity is being involved in and exposed to thelives of an extraordinary group of students,"Stubbs said.

"I enjoy helping students through variousissues they face...[it's ] all been very muchfun," Stubbs added.

For his part, Stubbs said he is looking forwardto working very closely with Steel in a "verysmooth, seamless transition."

[Currier is] a great place to be. We've reallyenjoyed our time here," Stubbs said.

According to Graham, the House will especiallymiss Stubbs' three children. But House residentswill soon get to know Steel's two children,Aisling, age three and Conor, age five
