

10 Reasons To Be Happy

Editorial Notebook

It's that time of the year again. May has finally rolled around, and while the rest of the world is enjoying the light and warmth, Harvard students are greeting the darkness that is the cavernous campus library system. Moan, groan. In honor of Gwen 'Spicy' Shen's motto "always look at the bright side," here is a list of 10 reasons to be happy.

10. Lectures are over. There is no longer a need to sleep in uncomfortable Science Center seats. You can have a long awaited, heartfelt reunion with your bed.

9. The day the music revived. Summer means inhabiting some place other than Cambridge, and that means a radio dial with real options.

8. These boots were made for walking. That girl/guy whose very presence makes you regret having ever discovered alcohol is graduating. Hasta la vista, baby!

7. Ooh baby, baby, it's a wild world. And you'll finally see it too. You promised yourself in September that you would get out of the Square, and whether it's during Reading Period or after finals, you'll scout some new terrain.


6. Mom's cooking. 'Nough said.

5. Here comes the sun! Oh, and there you are too, in a place where 'month of May' and warm weather' are not antithetical concepts.

4. Summer lovin.' Guys can drop the 'H-bomb and actually cause a stir. Ladies, this is your chance to meet lots of sophisticated older men.

3. The End of the Cold War. It took Ronald Reagan a number of years. You? Two more weeks and you'll be done with your disagreeable roommates.

2. Workin' 9 to 5. Your summer job kicks ass. And even if it doesn't, it has to be more relaxing than your existence as a student--you'll finally meet that dwarf, the 40 hour week.

1. If it doesn't kill you, it will only make you stronger. Really.

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