

Proposed Ban is Patronizing


To the editors:

I was appalled to read about the proposed smoking ban in all college houses (News, April 8). Dean Lewis' comments are extremely patronizing. His paternalistic attitude toward the student body may be well-meaning, but his outlook definitely seems dated in this case.

Smoking is legal for those over the age of 18 in Massachusetts. Although I am not a frequent smoker, I believe that my fellow students should have the right to personal freedom within the confines of their designated personal space. Smokers today are not allowed to smoke in restaurants, bars and airports. Where, then, does Lewis propose they smoke, if not in their dormitories?

His arguments in favor of the proposed ban are inadequate. He claims that "the general trend of society would support [a ban]." Has Harvard suddenly become a place that blindly follows the dictates of society? He also cites students' calls to purchase more exercise equipment as a reason to initiate a ban--this is downright silly. Suddenly, we have to trade acquiring more treadmills at the MAC for our personal freedoms? Eric Nelson's observation that we are on our way to adulthood is a good one, and I sincerely hope that he maintains his fight against such condescending whims of the administration. MICHELLE L. MURPHY '99   April 8, 1998


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