

A Little More Zest

The Crimson Staff

For the first time in many years, there was some zest in Springfest. Attempting to make up for the lack of a big name band, the Undergraduate Council provided students with enjoyable games, such as sumo wrestling, jousting and dunking pools.

The improvements were a good start, but only a start, towards making Springfest more fun. Only a few hundred students showed up for the event, demonstrating that Springfest still requires several changes, the most important ones being:

A big name band. The student groups were surprisingly talented, but they will never be able to bring a large share of the student body to the event. As exciting as the games may be, Springfest will always be centered around its music, and therefore it needs a first-rate concert to be a complete success. In the future, the U.C. will have to find a way to obtain enough money to attract a star performer such as LL Cool J, who played at Tufts this weekend.

A more spacious locale. If Springfest were ever able to attract thousands of students, the MAC Quad would not have room for them. If the council plans to continue improving the event, then they should move it to a larger area, such as the Radcliffe or Sever Quads.

A sensible alcohol policy This year, dean Archie Epps allowed each student with a valid I.D. to consume no more than two beverages in an area fenced off from the rest of the festivities. While we understand his concern about binge drinking and underage consumption, the current system treats drinkers like lepers and needs to be revised. Either allow drinkers to roam free, or turn Springfest into a BYOB affair and free-up extra money to spend on entertainment.


Although Springfest still has a long way to go, the council deserves our praise for at least beginning to confront its flaws.
