

Posters Deface Yard


To the editors:

Recently, the ground between Thayer Gate and the Science Center has begun to resemble a war zone, with zealous extracurricular groups taping countless posters to the ground in various patterns. When I have passed through this area in recent weeks, I can't help but think of how visitors to our beautiful campus must feel about Harvard students' reckless disregard for the beauty of our surroundings.

Student groups know that this practice is against the rules set forward by the Dean of Students' office, yet they continue to deface the ground on this part of campus because they know the rules are mostly unenforced and fines are hardly ever levied. On behalf of those students who would rather preserve the beauty of the Harvard campus than contribute to the grotesque scene in front of the Science Center, I beseech my fellow Harvard students to cease this destructive and costly littering. Find somewhere else to put your posters and show more respect for the beautiful setting that attracted many of us to Harvard in the first place. ADAM R. KOVACEVICH '99   April 16, 1998


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