
Where the Cool Kids Go...To Check Email

Where It's At

Downstairs at the Barker Center

Lamont Library

Loker Commons

The Science Center


Could You Please Hurry?

Usually no wait at all.

Two to four minutes. Don't even think of trying to cut in the line--they'll eat you alive.

Sometimes seems as bad as the Science Center

Long. Those in the know use the super-swank digital terminals downstairs.

The Loot

The locale is aesthetically pleasing--but maybe that's just because of the C'est Bon Cafe.

There are never enough to support the throngs of people anxious to procrastinate during reading period.

The keyboards are often greasy and smell like the Pizzeria Uno's pizza that seems to proliferate. There's always something wrong with at least one of the computers: if it's not frozen, then the mouse doesn't work.

Despite being Harvard's technological Mecca, computers on the main floor are overused and in disrepair. The screens reek faintly of Chick-fila.

Hangin' with the peeps

Much more intellectual, artsy and fashion conscious than those in the Science Center. Some even socialize while in line.

All types, usually of the studious variety. Sweatpants, glasses and dark under-eye circles are derigeur.

Generic. Upperclassmen are anxious to waste a little time before class, and first-years dawdle in droves after a meal at Annenberg. Plagued by compulsive email checkers who read their mail every 20 minutes to avoid doing anything.

A melange. From the Economics concentrator avoiding that pesky science core by checking his stocks to the Math and Physics concentrator trying to finish his CS problem set before lunch.

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