
Beth Stewart '00

In a recent phone interview, FM probed the deep dark secrets of Beth Stewart '00. Undergraduate Council president.

FM: What's the first thing you do after a long night at the UC?

BS: A big group of us usually goes to Pinnochio's. Then when I get home, I take off dressy clothes and replace them with flannels and t-shirts.

FM: I hear you're not currently seeing anybody. Is this true?

BS: [laughs] No comment.


FM: What do you think of the Harvard dating scene?

BS: I think it's lame and it could take a lesson from the South.

FM: Would you be opposed to a UC Swimsuit calendar?

BS: NO, I wouldn't. [But] we have a nondiscrimination clause. so it would have to be co-ed.

FM: Who would you say has the better grasp of the urban condition: Busta Rhymes. or the dynamic duo of Lord Tariq and Peter Gunz?

BS: [Laughs wildly.] The latter.

FM: One of your big campaign platforms was getting cable in dorm rooms. When that laudable goal happens some time down the road, will it come with the Spice Channel?

BS: If I have anything to do with it, The Spice Channel will be in every room at Harvard.

FM: I hear all the finals clubs have the Spice Channel. Speaking of finals clubs. the Bee--oh, wait, never mind. In any case. word on the grapevine says that at a recent Bee event, you removed various articles of clothing. Would you like to elaborate?

BS: Sorry?

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