
Math Quote Misinterpreted


To the editors:

Given the letter of stacey J. Mullin (Letters, April 14) decrying me for my thoughtless quote, I would like to clarify what I said. When I referred to all of "these pathetic people who took math competitions in high school," I was referring to people like myself, who nostalgize about them endlessly.

The Putnam provides us with a chance to relive those days--as Clifford Taubes points out in the article (News, April 9), the Putnam is the only college math competition, while there are many for high school students. We jump at the opportunity to recapture a part of our youth. Perhaps the word "pathetic" is inappropriate, but I was merely putting in a self-degrading quip. This phrase was in no way meant to refer to the persons who fall into the category "anyone interested in math."

I am sorry for any misunderstanding this may have caused, and encourage Mullin to take the Putnam next year. MIKE L. DEVELIN '00   April 14, 1998
