In an groundbreaking decision the Undergraduate Council voted last night to allocate $15,000 to the establishment of an endowment for student groups.
Council President Beth A. Stewart '00 sponsored the bill which passed 55 to 13.
The bill called for the council to "accept at least partial responsibility for funding student life at Harvard if results are to be achieved."
Speaking in favor of the bill, Stewart said, "This is unique. Whereas past solicitations have been for one student group, there has never been one for funding student life forever."
The council had originally designated the money to pay for the band Sister Hazel to perform at Springfest. But the group canceled two weeks ago, citing a Texas engagement. The council decided to invite Harvard bands to perform in Sister Hazel's place which allowed it to put the money to other uses.
"This is one of the best things I have seen the U.C. do ever in my three years here," said council member Rachel E. Barber '99, who supported the bill. "We have the opportunity to do something good for the student body."
The funds allocated by this bill will not form the endowment but will accrue interest which the council will use for an endowment fundraising effort.
Stewart said council members will solicit their own alumni for funds for the endowment and then, if necessary, proceed to general alumni.
Council members questioned the practicality of this plan.
"Beth paints a lovely picture, but I don't think it's realistic," said Justin D. Lerer '99, who is also a Crimson editor. "The council has failed historically in its fundraising efforts."
He added that he believes the council is misappropriating student money, using it in ways students did not intend when they donated it.
Other council members raised the objection that juniors and seniors will probably never see the fruits of their money.
The council also passed three other bills to provide services to students.
In one bills it voted unanimously to "urge the Faculty of Arts and Science to make the commitment to opening the facilities [at the Malkin Athletic Center The sponsor of the bill, Allison M. Fitzgerald'00, said she anticipates that the administrationwill act on the council's suggestion soon. The MAC received A $100,000 donation last yearand has bought new equipment to which AssociateDirector of Athletics John E. Wentzell would likestudents to have access to early to early in themorning. In an uncontested bill, the council decided topay $3,200 to Magic World Amusements andEntertainment for rental of events for Springfest,including electronic baseball, a hypnotist, anobstacle course and two fun food machines. The council closed its meeting with a decisionto organize pep rally at Logan Airport to greetthe victorious woman's basketball team when theyreturn tomorrow. This bill--proposed by Fentrice D. Driskell '01and James M. Carter '01--is aimed at "fosteringschool spirit." In other recent council business, the executiveboard, which includes the president, vicepresident, council officers, and committee chairsvoted to extend the deadline for Dean of theCollege Harry R. Lewis '68 to sign the bill to addthe dean of the college's signature to femaleundergraduate diplomas. If he signs the bill, Lewis is committed toadvocating its provisions among Collegeadministrators and faculty. The bill was passedthree weeks ago
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