


The editors take aim at the good, the bad and the ugly.

Dartboard has an announcement to make: Emerson's large front doors have an alarming habit of locking closed. Dartboard realized this, of course, on the way to a History 10b midterm, and was not amused.

Admittedly, Dartboard was running late. But if the doors had been open, we would have been sitting in our favorite row in Emerson 210 on time. With the doors locked, Dartboard was left banging on glass, unheard and unaided. We then had to rush around to the side door and dash up the stairs, only to arrive into the distinctive midterm silence of pen on paper. And we apologize--after our minor ordeal, Dartboard had to trample over two poor souls in order to get to the room's one remaining seat. Next time we'll be hours early.


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