To the editors:
I'm shocked and disappointed by your unprofessional coverage of the arraignment of Joshua M. Elster '00 (News, Feb. 3). With so many important facts confidential, your articles resemble the Monica Lewinsky coverage in the news. I'm angry without knowing whether my anger is unfounded, and I'm confused because the only thing I'm sure about is that Elster has not gotten a fair trial on campus. Your personality account, like your entire coverage, is vague. I'm not sure what to make of an anonymous student who says that Elster was "very good at making people feel uncomfortable." I question the appropriateness of choosing to use no character appraisal from any friend of Elster's closer than his fine arts professor.
It is critical that we confront the issue of rape at Harvard. However, we must approach the issue in a forum unclouded by suspicions and rumors aroused by mere choices of wording. BRIAN J. ROSENTHAL '00 Feb. 4, 1998
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