


The editors take aim at the good, the bad and the ugly.

Dartboard is dismayed by the restricted eating space in Lowell House this week. Tables have been removed to accommodate the stage for the annual Lowell House opera. While supporting the arts has long been a priority of ours, this is too much.

Lunch and dinner have become painful ordeals for all involved, as crowds of students schlep their trays from the already Lilliputian serving area out of the dining hall and up to the doors of the always locked Junior Common Room. Students seeking refuge in the JCR have repeatedly been ejected so that the opera cast can rehearse, leaving them nowhere to go but into exile. We've even spotted them grumbling over breakfast at Adams and Quincy. There may be only one answer: artistic sabotage.

After all, the Lowell House Opera is a unique opportunity for students not involved in the arts to get a glimpse of the more technical side of how theater works on campus--and maybe, on their way to the awkwardly-positioned cereal nook, to "trip" over a wire or two, or to "redesign" some scenery on the sly, or to "borrow" a prop. Of course, we at Dartboard are just joking. We would never do such a thing, especially not for the sake of that extra bowl of Cap'n Crunch. Or would we?


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