
BGLTSA Executive Board Calls for New Elections

The executive board of the Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender and Supporters Alliance (BGLTSA) last night announced the nullification of the board elections that were supervised by impeached Vice Chair David A. Campbell '00. The board resolved to conduct a new vote in the weeks ahead.

Participants devoted nearly an entire hour to a passionate and often personal discussion of issues surrounding Campbell's impeachment.

In the tense, contentious meeting, which Campbell attended, board members said the election results did not sufficiently represent the group's diversity of membership, a goal specifically outlined in its constitution.

All four of those elected were white gay males, board members said.

The board impeached Campbell last Sunday for his handling of the election, failure to fulfill obligations to the board and making personal attacks on board members.


Campbell protested his removal and claimed the group's constitution was unsound.

BGLTSA officials would not allow The Crimson to quote members who spoke during the meeting.

But both sides revealed the details of their disagreements in a series of e-mail messages that Campbell and the board had sent to the organization's membership in the days following his impeachment.

Campbell said his impeachment was unfair and urged the membership to voice their concerns to the executive board.

"This is a democratic organization, despite the antics of the board," Campbell wrote.

The next day, BGLTSA Co-Chairs Andre K. Sulmers '98 and Lauralee Summer '98 responded in an e-mail message that Campbell's impeachment was constitutional and his use of the board's e-mail list was "improper."

They threatened to take Ad Board action against him if he continued to use it.

Campbell claimed his impeachment was not valid because it was not unanimous.

He opposed his own impeachment, and two board members originally abstained from the vote.

Treasurer Adam A. Sofen '01, also a Crimson editor, and Secretary Michael T. Tan '01 later changed their votes against Campbell.

Campbell said last night that he will again runfor office when the new elections are held.

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