
Friday's Chooses Brattle St. Spot

Chain to Face Cambridge Licensing Board

Friday's The American Bar, a new variation of the T.G.I. Friday's restaurant, is trying to fill the space left by California Pizza Kitchen in Harvard Square's profitable market.

Getting a license to open a chain restaurant in Harvard Square, however, is not easy.

On Feb. 3, Friday's appealed to the Cambridge Licensing Commission and a vote was scheduled for Feb. 26 so the Harvard Square Defense Fund could investigate whether or not Friday's would be a welcome addition to the Square.

"The status of Friday's license has not yet been decided," said Richard V. Scali, Executive Officer of the commission.

Pebble Gifford, president of The Harvard Square Defense Fund, which in the past has attempted to keep chain restaurants from the Square, said her organization was not opposed to the establishment simply because it was a chain. "We visited the Friday's in North Station and it was okay," she said.


Gifford did, however, express concern that too many chains in the Square could make the area lose some of its uniqueness. "The Square is more fun if it has places like Mr. Bartley's instead of McDonald's which is in both Central and Porter Squares. Why would people come to the Square if the shops and restaurants here are the same as every where else?"

Gifford said she is also concerned that Friday's would be more of a bar than a restaurant, citing the chain's extensive drink menu and plans to have a large bar area. "The city is not meant to license bars," Gifford said.

She also said she fears Friday's may join other restaurants in the Square which have the tendency to sell more liquor than food because of the high concentration of college students. Gifford named The Hong Kong and The Grille as additional examples of establishments which are technically restaurants but sell a lot of liquor.

Kevin Crane, Friday's attorney, said he remains optimistic the Commission will grant his client a license. Although he was not sure how much weight the Licensing Commission will give the Defense Fund's testimony, he said things look positive for Friday's.

Jack Hayek of Sabra's Falafel Grill, a restaurant adjacent to Friday's proposed site, said he does not think Friday's would be good for the Square. "We don't need any more restaurant chains here," he said.

Students did not have strong opinions about the possible addition to the Square.

"I personally like Friday's and their friendly atmosphere, however I am not sure it fits in Harvard Square," said Steven Goodman, a graduate student.

Elena C. Jacobson '99 prefers the option of having Friday's fill a currently empty space but said "If California Pizza Kitchen could not survive in the Square, Friday's might not make it either."
