
M. Track Words Misconstrued


To the editors:

James Markham expressed displeasure with my comments following the men's track team's victory over Boston College (Letters, Dec. 14). His reaction shows that he is completely unaware of the hyperbole that often accompanies athletic competition.

Markham misconstrued my remarks as an attempt to "pump myself up." They were rather intended to congratulate my teammates on a job well done, and to bring our accomplishments to the attention of the Harvard community. As cocaptain, it is my duty to rally the team and promote enthusiasm amongst its members. Speaking in a colorful manner is far more effective than the bland words towards which Markham seems inclined.

It should also be understood that my words were partly tongue-in-cheek, and that by taking them too seriously, Markham is one of very few readers who misinterpreted my intent. Rather than be "embarrassed" by my comments, he should be proud of Harvard athletic teams, and the victories they earn. JOSEPH R. CIOLLO
