

Council Accounting Poor


To the editors:

Re "Council Find Forgotten $40K in Bank Account" (News, Nov. 2): It is ironic that a council caught taking students' money without responsibly managing it is now glibly deciding how to spend it.

The fact that neither council president Beth A. Stewart '00 nor the executive board was aware of the U.C.'s account balances reflects either duplicity or stupidity.

And for consecutive treasurers to claim that it was somehow not their fault that "no one told them" to do their jobs is inexcusable and infuriating. The U.C. should not view this $40,000 as a windfall, but as a serious embarrassment that warrants investigation into their accounting procedures (if there are any) and reconsideration of their privilege to monies from students' termbills. NIKI V. SANTO '00   Nov. 5, 1998


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