

'Gong Club' Inappropriate


To the editors:

There are only a few things more annoying than having to endure huge lines caused by outsiders, in your own dining hall. One of those things happens to be getting harassed by a clan of jingoistic (and I hope unrepresentative) Adams House residents on a day when, as fate would have it, the dining hall was practically empty.

While the "gong" was not entirely lacking in humor, the accompanying "booing" which followed whenever a non-Adams resident was "gonged" was inappropriate. When I confronted the "gong woman," she said something to the effect of, "Harassment is a tradition of Adams House. If you don't like it, get out," and "We have tried to get through to the administration, now we want to punish the students."

I admire Adams for continuing house pride in the days of randomization, but if it insists on exclusivity, while a simple "no interhouse" sign won't drive off all the interlopers, it will most likely be an improvement to Harvard's new-found Gong Club. CONSTANTINE CARAMANIS '99   Nov. 19, 1998
