

Mansfield on the Mark


To the editors:

Re "Mansfield Strikes Again" (Editorial, Oct. 27): Kenan Professor of Government Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. '53 annunciated the concerns of many on this campus, particularly those of us who belong to the conservative Republican minority. As a conservative Republican here, I have found myself outnumbered greater than 10-to-1 in many situations. The selection of Commencement speakers clearly indicates a desire to invite guests whose political agendas match the liberal ideology prevalent at Harvard.

Mansfield is also correct to notice the pervasive political correctness on campus. The number of liberal activist groups is incredibly large, the political leaning of most campus speakers and events is quite liberal and the curriculum has its share of liberal ideology. Conservatives on campus are fortunate to have an outspoken ally in Prof. Mansfield. As one of the lone voices of conservatism at Harvard, he should be congratulated. JEFF LETALIEN '01   Oct. 30, 1998
