

Marriage Takes Responsibility


To the editors:

Re "The Marriage Question" by Daniel M. Suleiman (Column, Nov. 10): As someone who is getting married a week after graduation, I agree with Suleiman that our generation is fortunate enough to realize that marriage is an equal partnership built on trust and compromise. For far too long such compromises have often been at the expense of women's career goals. That's no longer true.

But marriage isn't necessarily a fearsome decision. It's a choice, like so many young people make--not simply a spur of the moment decision, but a part of a long process we all know to be a relationship. And marriage is not a choice for everyone. I do not believe in pushing anyone into it. Marriage is not just about the wedding; it's about living every day not only for yourself but for someone else. I think that the average Harvard senior out there might not be ready for such a responsibility. YEMIL M. MARTINEZ '98-'99   Nov. 10, 1998
