
Faculty, Alums Offer New Ideas on Radcliffe

Undergrads outnumbered at convocation

In what Radcliffe College billed as the first-annual "Celebrate Radcliffe" day, alumni, staff and a handful of undergraduate women sampled the witty words of noted National Public Radio (NPR) journalist Nina Totenberg, eight panels addressing the college's current programs and a picnic lunch featuring entertainment by female campus choruses.

The event was designed to incorporate Radcliffe College's undergraduate convocation--traditionally scheduled during Orientation Week--with Saturday's Alumnae Council meeting.

"What's more important to us than anything else is to have you all together," said Radcliffe President Linda S. Wilson in her introductory remarks. "This is a day we've been looking forward to for some time."

While participants filled the lower level of Agassiz Theater in the morning and theAskwith Lecture Hall in the afternoon, fewundergraduates--and fewer first-yearstudents--attended the day's events.

According to Kathleen Quick of the office ofthe dean of educational programs, about 30 to 40undergraduates registered for "Celebrate Radcliffe'98." Free T-shirts and a gourmet picnic lunchultimately drew more to Radcliffe Yard, thoughless than 5 percent of female undergraduatesattended.

"It wasn't especially intended forundergraduates," said Dean of RadcliffeEducational Programs Tamar March, who decidedRadcliffe Convocation should no longer vie forstudent's time during the first busy weeks ofschool. "Why compete with Harvard ? Why should wemake students feel like they have competingloyalties?"


Undergraduate women who attended blamed the lownumbers on a lack of publicity.

"I didn't hear about this event until we wereasked to sing," said one Radcliffe Choral Societymember.

Diana E. Post '67, who was recently namedsecond vice president of the Radcliffe CollegeAlumnae Association, questioned why anundergraduate event would be scheduled duringclasses.

"How can there be a convocation on a Fridaymorning?" she asked at the afternoon reception.

"It wasn't a convocation," March said. "It wasa broader bringing together of the variousstrands."

"Undergraduates are an integral part-but only apart of the Radcliffe community, March told TheCrimson

Wilson said she was not disappointed by theundergraduate turnout.

"I'm delighted we had a good crowd," Wilsonsaid. "we made it a very welcoming opportunity.We're always eager to have [undergraduates] come."

Among those who did attend, one undergraduateclaimed the celebration brought her closer toRadcliffe.

"I attended the event because it is importantfor me to feel connected to the Radcliffecommunity," said Natalya D. Vinokurova '99. "I dobelieve that Harvard is not responsive to women'sneeds."
