Waves of shock have spread around campus this fall as students dialing the "Menu Man" have heard strange voices on the other end of the line.
Harvard's previous Menu Man, the disembodied voice that narrates the day's dining hall offerings over the telephone, left the University last June, said Ted A. Mayer, director of Harvard Dining Services (HDS).
"The previous Menu Man has gone off to do other things in life," Mayer said.
The "Menu Family"--a father and his son and daughter--have taken the position on a temporary basis, according to Mayer. Though he refused to identify the family, Mayer confirmed that the "Menu Father" is an HDS employee.
According to the Menu Father, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the job has been exciting. "It fills the need for the department, and my kids enjoy it," he said.
The "Menu Children" read the menu about half of the time and their father reads it the rest of the time, the Menu Father said. All three can be heard at 495-5700.
The children provide the comic relief that was a trademark of the previous Menu Man.
One recent night, for instance, "Menu Daughter" announced an offering of "Shrimp Scroppy Over Luigi."
Meanwhile, Mayer said, HDS is "conducting a worldwide search of galactic proportions" for the new voice. "Maybe the Silver Surfer will come down and be our Menu Man," Mayer added.
"It's an awesome responsibility," he said. "One doesn't just become Menu Man because one wants to be."
The ideal Menu Man must "[be] pure of heart, possess sound judgment [and a] willingness to take chances," Mayer said. "Obviously, not everybody qualifies." Reasons for the previous Menu Man's departurewere unclear. "He had other responsibilities,"Mayer said. "Being the Menu Man didn't quite paythe bills." When asked for the name of the retired MenuMan, Mayer said, "He was a member of our staff whowished to remain incognito." Menu Daughter, despite her inconsistentpronunciations, holds the distinction of being thefirst female voice on the recordings. "It doesn't have to be a Menu Man; it could bea Menu Woman," Mayer said. "It just happened to bea Menu Man, and now it's a Menu Family." Menu Father even shared some new ideas for theformat. "There might be an occasional story--if there'stime to do that on the menu," he said. HDS officials said they are pleased with thenew crew. "I think the Menu Family is going to be with usfor a while," said Alexandra E. McNitt, HDSProjects Manager. "I think they're enjoying theirrole.
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