


The editors take aim at the good, the bad and the ugly.

'The Man' From Nantucket

There once was a boy named Noah,

He was a misogynist fool.

He wrote a small piece in The Crimson

And people called him a tool.


He wrote about final club women

And the way they suck up to the men.

Feminists got quite angry--

Their letters numbered greater than 10.

Do you think he is apologetic?

If so, you must be a bit dense.

Noah will always be a "misogynist,"

If that places him on the Right side of the fence.

Kamil is a U.C. representative,

A post which fills her with pride.

She is a real politician,

Although often she can be quite snide.

She says she wants social justice,

And claims to fight the good fight.

But this summer she worked at Banana Republic

Where she basked in the preppy light.

So, if you want to battle "the man,"

Give Ms. Kamil a call.

She's ready to take up some arms

And force the oppressor to fall.

The lesson of our tale is this:

Even if you're political enemies

You don't have to deny yourself bliss.

Just turn to your favorite adversary

And deliver a sloppy wet kiss.

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