
How to Hack the Lampoon

A hacker posted the following messages on the bulletin board of the Lampoon's web site.

Message 1


I'm a CUMBer out seeking cleverness in the Ivy League.. The Lampoon has quite a reputation, so i found this page. I guessed that the highest room might be named for the Ibis, and checked out the site. I was anticipating something really clever from you guys, but i suppose i have to wait a few months for you to finish up. No problem.

Anyway, i noticed that the URL for the message board began with ""


So i went there. Lo and behold, i stumbled upon the admin interface for the entire database this site runs off of. So i read through all the entrance questions and wanted to add a few, knowing that if anyone, you guys could surely handle a good prank, or in this case a mediocre one. Unfortunately, i couldn't add new ones, so i had to alter two existing ones.

Then i went to the message board and marked the stupid ones as "Private" so they wouldn't show up.

Trust me, i did you guys a favor. If you really want them back, just ask the administrator of this site to mark them public again.

Oh, and i added some code to autojump to the CUMB site after 3 seconds.

That's all for now. I heartily encourage you guys to come up with some clever retaliation.

Yours in cleverness,

An anonymous member of the Columbia University Marching Band

P.S. Please don't press charges.

P.P.S. 24-0!

Message 2

By the way, it's a shame about the Ibis. Seriously. I mean, when the Crimson stole it decades ago, at least they let the world (or at least their semi-literate readership) know.. But what's the point of stealing something like that if you're not going to parade it around?

I heard it's in the Harvard Band's bass drum. Trust me, go check.

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