

Jan. 8

Friends of Annelle Fitzpatrick '00, gathered at St. Paul's Church in Cambridge to mourn her recent death, an apparent suicide.

Fitzpatrick, a lacrosse player and Leverett House resident, had taken a leave of absence from the College in November.

Friends said her memorial service helped them cope with their loss. "As people were mourning, they were also sharing wonderful stories about her life," said Ashley S. Berman '00. "It was comforting because it was a celebration of her life."

Jan. 11


The Undergraduate Council voted to award more than $44,000 to student groups.

The allocation ended a semester-long process of reviews and interviews of student group applications by the council's finance committee.

"We still have a big discrepancy between the amount requested and the amount given," said Lamelle D. Rawlins '99, presiding over her final council meeting.

An average of $266 was given to 110 student groups, despite requests averaging $810.

Reading Period

Those who prefer studying to sleep were aided by 24-hour access to Cabot Science Library throughout reading period and exams. Library staff said that the extended hours have been under-utilized by students.

"People don't flock to take out books at 5 o'clock in the morning," said Richard A. Phillips '99, who works nights at the circulation desk.

While extended hours have been offered in Cabot for three straight semesters, a final decision on whether to continue the practice has not been made.

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