Having read with interest your article "'White Unity' Poster Found on Yard Kiosks" (news story, Sept. 18), I am left wondering why it is that we can have "black unity" posters but not "white unity" posters?
Your informative article, while extremely informative, failed to inform me of any specifically offensive features of this alleged poster. While it may be inappropriate for "well-known hate groups" to poster on our campus, and while I have few sympathies for "militant activists," white or otherwise, and although these "plain, white posters" were in flagrant violation of University postering guidelines, there is nothing inherently outrageous in the concept "white unity" as your headline seems to imply.
Our campus is littered with the posters extolling the virtues of our varied cultural groups and organizations. They encourage "unity" as a means of protecting the groups' cultural heritage. Without this protection, the unique character of a culture is in danger of being lost as the Great Melting Pot becomes the MTV Blender of Death-the Assimilator of Cultures.
I do not doubt that the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) is a group of horrible people. It may well be that its white supremacist agenda has no place on this campus or on this planet. However, I put forward that your article exhibits a significant bias. Indeed, it is a politically correct bias, but it is a bias none the less. --Frank Pacheco '99
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