
'White Unity' Poster Found On Yard Kiosks

* Flyer created by well-known hate group

Among the hundreds of Harvard approved posters throughout the Yard yesterday appeared at least a dozen plain, white flyers encouraging students to become "militant white activists."

The posters advertised a militant white supremacist group called the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC).

Dean of Students Archie C. Epps III said that he did not believe that the posterer was affiliated with Harvard.

"I would assume that none of our students would be interested in such an organization," he said. "Its aims clearly run counter to our philosophy of race relations."

Epps said that the University has not had any experience with "hard-core" racial supremacist organizations.


Daniel Goldman, director of Hate-Watch-an organization that monitors hate groups on the Internet-said that he had not been aware of any WCOTC activity in the area before yesterday's postering.

Goldman described WCOTC as a particularly extremist group, adding that "they believe the Klan is wimpy and Neo-Nazis are a joke."

"These are not a bunch of people walking around in sheets-they are confrontational and violent," Goldman said "There have been numerous clashes with police."

According to Goldman, the WCOTC differs from other white supremacist groups in that it is a neo-theological organization.

"The World Church has essentially reinvented the white supremacy movement by going outside the bounds of Christianity," he said, adding that the group "looks upon race itself as religion."

On the organization's Web page, WCOTC outlines its militant stance against all minority groups, especially Jews, and calls for a "racial holy war" against these groups.

Adam M. Kleinbaum '98, chair of Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel, expressed dismay at the posters.

"It's unfortunate that that kind of organization puts up posters in the Yard, but I hope that Harvard students are intelligent enough to know ignorance and hatred when they see it and not to put any trust in it," said Kleinbaum, who is also a Crimson editor.

Goldman said the supremacist group has been active in other parts of the state and maintains a post office box in the northern Massachusetts town of Billercia.

"It's important to remember that Massachusetts is not dormant when it comes to the far right," he said. "Their numbers are small but they're definitely hard-core
