

Face/Off not a surrealist film


The assertion in the July 2 review of Face/Off that there was an atomosphere of surrealism throughout, contributes to the flagrant misuse of the word "surrealism" to mean anything bizasrre, strange or unusal, and enforcers of consensus reality, determined to pull the noose they have slipped around the throat of the imagination ever tighter, make ever stricter what can be defined as "normal." This debasement is symptomatic of the scheme to murder interest in authentic surrealism through the promotion of its counterfeits.

I have participated in the Surrealist Movement in the United States for the last five years, and Face/Off, though there are certain things to be said for it, is not a surrealist film. surrealism is a living, revolutionary, poetic movement uncompromisingly dedicated to the defense of freedom and the marvelous. I demand that in future The Crimson refrain from such egregious falsification. --Daniel C. Boyer   Harvard Summer School Student


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